Jun 28Liked by Sarah Hampson, The Choice For Beauty

Sarah, my heart goes out to you and your entire astonishing family. Tragic.

I love Mark's In Sight of Land painting AND the Gift From the Sea excerpt - “When you love someone, you do not love them all the time, in exactly the same way, from moment to moment. It is an impossibility. It is even a lie to pretend to. And yet this is exactly what most of us demand. We have so little faith in the ebb and flow of life, of love, of relationships."

Sending a virtual hug!

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Thanks, Janet. I love Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s writing. Always have. I appreciate your note. It has been a difficult time - especially for my brother (Chris’ Dad) and my boys, who were very close to him. A total shock and so tragic and wrong somehow. Hope all is well with you. ❤️

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Jun 27Liked by Sarah Hampson, The Choice For Beauty

Sarah and Mark, I'm so sorry to read this news. Sending love and light to you and all your family. L

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Thanks, Laura. It has been a difficult time. We’re headed to Metis tomorrow for two weeks. Might we see you? Hope all is well.

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Jun 27Liked by The Choice For Beauty

First weekend of August we arrive. I'll do dinner chez nous. xoxoxo

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Oh no, we’ll be gone by then. Shirt visit this time. Sorry to miss you as I’ve been thinking about you and want to do a podcast convo on Substack.

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Oh no. OK, yes. We will be in touch. Take good care of yourselves. xx

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I’m very sorry that we will miss you too Laura. You and Peter must come for a long weekend in the Fall we will spoil you. X

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Jun 27Liked by Sarah Hampson, The Choice For Beauty

In the midst of your loss Sarah you write so movingly. Thinking of you and your family at this very sad time.

Anne Lindbergh’s life sounds complex and deeply painful, yet what an inspiration for us all!

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Very true about Anne Morrow Lindbergh. I have always loved her writing. Her diary, Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead is wonderful. I highly recommend reading it.

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Thank you Adrienne for your love and kind words and it’s been a tragic week.

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Jun 27Liked by Sarah Hampson, The Choice For Beauty

Sarah, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your thoughts, about being a part of a large family, life, death and the Lindburghs. I particularly loved reading about Anne's achievements, in spite of misfortunes, that came into her life. Such an incredible woman! I am so sorry for the recent passing of your young nephew.😢 Please accept my condolences.

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Thank you Maureen for your kind words, it’s been a difficult week all around.

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Thank you so much. Means a lot to hear from readers. ❤️

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Thanks Maureen for your kind words of support.

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Jun 27Liked by Sarah Hampson, The Choice For Beauty

Thinking of you and your family. What an incredible post. ❤️

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Thank you very much, Anne. I appreciate knowing when readers like a post.❤️

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Jun 29Liked by Sarah Hampson

Sarah, losing a loved one at any age is a challenge but gone at your nephew’s age is incomprehensible. Deepest sympathy.

My copy of Gift From the Sea was loaned long ago and never returned. I’m ordering a new one immediately.

I have walked miles up and down the beaches of the Atlantic. My shells are like jewels to me.

My spirits soar whenever I touch the sand and move to the edge. The noise, the seabirds and the vastness calm my anxious self. Always.

I envy you and Mark on this new journey in Chester.

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Thank you so much, Pam. It is an incomprehensible loss. So unnecessary, sudden, unexplained. The sea is a companion in our lives now. We love our Chester life. Feels like we magically manifested it somehow. But really what happened is that we made a choice. Thank you again for responding. Means a lot when people do. ❤️

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Jun 28Liked by Sarah Hampson

I'm so very sorry for your deep loss. Sending you sympathy, and hoping the ocean brings you some peace.

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Thank you so much for your thoughts. ❤️

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Jun 28Liked by The Choice For Beauty

I am very saddened by the tragic loss of your nephew. Sending you much love in this difficult time.

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Thank you Anne for your kind words.

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Thank you very much. ❤️

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